223 pgs, 1997, Krieger Publishing ISBN 978-0894640605 The author presents a detailed history of the changes in management attitudes at NASA after the Apollo moon landings. After the "Success at Any Cost" attitude of the Apollo missions, NASA had to come up with new programs, at the same time changing the way they approached them. This book presents the workshops and outlines of the new "cost-conscious" NASA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - An Agency in Search of a Mission
- What We Really Need Is Low Cost Access to Space
- Let's Get Fresh Ideas on Cost Control
- We Had it About Right the First Time
- Standard Equipment: The Backbone of the Effort
- Changing the Way NASA Does Business
- Project Management Workshops: Doers Share Experiences
- Low Cost Workshop: A Gathering of Unbelievers
- Shared Experiences: A Renewed Training Effort
- Uncovering the NASA Culture
- NASA Payload Policy: Facing Risk
- Evaluation: Was it Worth the Effort
- Culture and Bureaucracy Clash with Low Cost
- Lessons Learned, ignored and Forgotten
- A New Way of Doing Business in Space